My Story

After graduating from Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College as a Doctor of Chiropractic in 2010, I was so excited to be able to finally be able to help people maximize their health in the way I was trained to do…or so I thought. With additional certifications in medical acupuncture and specialized certifications, I still didn’t feel I was helping people in the way I envisioned. I wanted to help more than just with pain and function.
Having grown up a competitive figure skater and track athlete, I continued to challenge myself with marathon and Ironman training, then on to competitive bodybuilding. This led me to pursue certifications in personal training and sports nutrition. I thought this would help complement my profession in helping people maximize their health. Hmmm… this still wasn’t it…
It took dealing with a family history of mental health issues and both substance and relationship abuse, to realize there is so much more to health and happiness than what we can see. Í made a commitment to myself to be proactive about my mental health but more specifically, my happiness.
At 6am on a Saturday morning, living my “dream life” on the beautiful island of Bermuda (ironically, super unhappy), I woke up with an epiphany - I don’t want to help maximize people’s health, I want to help maximize people’s lives. I want to help people put together their ENTIRE package. Our overall health, happiness, and success involves so much more than what the medical and healthcare world view as important. It takes a combination of these and more to develop the right mindset to be truly happy and successful.
Hmmm… but what is this? Is this…life coaching?? Isn’t that, like…kinda cheesy?
No. It’s not. To people who get it. People who have experienced coaching. People who have mentors. People who want to make a change. People who are ambitious and committed to achieving their goals and maximizing their life. Those people get it.
I realized a couple of things:
It took education/certifications which took time, but it also took experience…which also took time. Happiness isn’t the absence of problems, but having more problems to overcome to celebrate the value in accomplishing hard things. Having tough sh*t to get through can be an incredible thing. It took experience to realize the value in investing in self-development is priceless; to have someone coach you through the process, is invaluable.
Although, I knew early on in my career, professional coaching was what I really wanted to do, I realized there were some things I needed to “get through” in order to be in a better place to leave my trained profession to excel at the profession I was passionate about. So I got certified in life coaching…then decided to dive deeper and get certified again.
Health and wellness involves diet/nutrition, exercise, sleep habits, stress management, and mental mindset (to name a few). True HAPPINESS involves self-awareness, healthy social connections, healthy communication skills, setting and attaining goals, and taking responsibility in going after your dreams. It involves a balance of Tupac and Deepak (ignore if you don’t get the reference), a balance of Tony Robbins versus Buddha…(still no??) It involves a huge balance in chasing the heck out of your dreams but being grateful and happy in the present moment. And that can be an incredibly tough thing to do on your own!
Currently living in Africa, mom to a beautiful, happy boy, it’s crazy to think of the things that had to happen to get me here. A lot of tough circumstances. A lot of luck. A lot of preparedness when the opportunity of said “luck” seemed to present itself. I’m no Confucius, but I love connecting and empathizing with people who feel stuck and reminding them they CAN achieve their dreams and goals if they genuinely want to.
STRONG people can be stuck. STRONG people can feel lost.
I’m passionate about helping people be passionate about living. Life is hard enough, it’s so much easier having someone on your team, someone to call you out, to keep you accountable, and help you question your own limiting beliefs that might be causing you to be your only barrier to accomplishing them. Nothing feels better than getting UNSTUCK.
There is a lot in life that we can’t control, but there is a lot we CAN. We CAN create the life we dream of, but you aren’t going to get there if you don’t clearly acknowledge what you want and actually START!
Your mindset is the exact thing that will get you what you want. It's the same thing that will hold you back from it, as well. It's up to you.
Are you finally ready to START?